
Archive for May, 2017

In my office editing The Lane Trilogy.

On the evening of May 14th I am honored to speak at Alma Temple. My message is titled “Healing Hearts.” The service begins at 6:00 pm. Beginning at 6:30 pm the message will be on live radio broadcast on KPOF, AM910 and audio streaming via the internet. You are cordially invited to join us. Alma Temple is located at 1340 Sherman Street, half a block from the state capitol building, Denver, Colorado.

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“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14 NIV).

In Psalm 19 David meditates on the fact that God created the universe. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1). It is no surprise to those of us who have read Genesis 1:1. We know that in the beginning God created the heavens and earth. Have you ever had the opportunity to lie under a clear sky at night without any distracting lights around you?

I grew up in Nebraska. On summer nights at Lake McConaughy near Ogallala, I would lie on the beach and marvel at the universe spread out before me. At times it would take my breath away. Those pure, dazzling lights sprinkling the Milky Way, the sight of the constellations, and an occasional shooting star gave me pause. Those were the times that I contemplated the size of the universe, no, not just the universe. But the size of those stars I was observing. Our God breathed out the stars and created the universe all around us.

I often share the DVD by Louie Giglio, How Great Is Our God, in which he demonstrates just how small we are in the universe. He teaches that our sun is one of the smaller stars in the universe and then goes on to tell that it would take 960,000 earths to fill our sun. That’s when I begin to feel small, and it is not a bad thing. Because, as Louie says, sin puffs us up and we begin to believe that we are as big as God. Sometimes without even realizing it, I am making assumptions and decisions like I was God. Satan is so subtle. Even when we think we are doing good, it could be a trap.

Seeing the universe and feeling small reminds me that God is in control. It makes me grateful for His love for me. I repent all over again and throw myself on His mercy. In fact I am so grateful for His love and mercy that I want to serve Him forever. He showed me the way to Him, and yet I know that I am not worthy to serve Him. Only because of His sacrifice, the Blood of Jesus, can I come to Him at all. The question is … how can I please Him? It is the desire of my heart. And so I often pray Psalm 19:14 and ask for forgiveness for the times I have failed Him.

My night time prayers often include a time of asking forgiveness for things I have said throughout the day. Words, once spoken, are irretrievable. I can’t grab and stick them back in my mouth. They are out there for all to hear. The same goes for my thoughts. My desire is for a pure heart, but it only takes a second for a critical thought to jump in and destroy a pure moment. God hears every word and He knows every thought. He is generous to forgive and give hope for improvement.

Psalm 19 is so powerful that I memorized it. I often meditate on His greatness as I recite it. I recommend that you take a moment and read the entire Psalm. May you be as blessed by it as I have been. And take heart because this Psalm assures us that it is possible for the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart to please God. So let this be our humble attitude. I can please God. Not only did God and his angels rejoice on the day I was saved – they do it every time a sinner repents.

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times I have failed You in word, thought, and deed. May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.

This is an excerpt from the forty-day devotional, “Attitude Matters”. Click here to order.

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